Greetings to all, I will like to share from what I learned in chapter 2 of creative Bible study methods.
I learned that as a child of God that if I want to successfully study the Bible, I most develop the following habits
1) Reading daily, this means I need to cultivate a habit of daily meditation which goes as long as feeding my spirit man(Psalm 1:2 and Luke 4:4)
2) Reading selectively: this means to start by reading the “milk” of the word which are simply truths of the word of God and I learned here that it is driven by the desire to know. This is to say if I don’t desire to know I can’t read, and it is my desire that nurtures me to great insight of God’s word (1 Peter 2:2 , Hebrews 5:13-14)
3) Reading prayerfully:here I learned my heart has a role to play and that is preparedness because and unprepared heart can’t adapt to spiritual enlightenment. So before approaching the word I must prepare my heart in the place of prayers
(Psalm 119:18)
4) Reading systematically: the Bible tells us to search the scriptures (John 5:39), this means to search the scriptures carefully and the Bible is a spiritual textbook and must be read in an orderly way if i want to understand it content correctly.
Greeting bro. Wow that’s great. Indeed I’m so happy and I’m being inspired by your lessions