Greetings to all and I hope by God’s special grace we are doing great.
Today I’ll be sharing
Chapter 1 of intercessory prayers titled
An introduction to prayer. I’ll be sharing on what I have learned;
Prayer is simply communicating with God and it is described as calling upon the name of the Lord, crying unto God, looking up to God, pouring out your heart to God, prayer meaning communication doesn’t require just one person to always be talking, but it’s supposed to be vice versa that is you talk and listen to God as he responds or speak back because that’s what makes communication communication. note that one way communication does not last long and it often become boring
So even in prayers our spirits most be findtrine to access signals from the throne room of God. I also learned about the 5 types of prayers which are
Worship and praise
Confession and Repentance
Intercession: this type is simply prayers done on behalf of others.
Prayer is communication with God. It doesn’t require only one person speaking it involves giving and listing back to God …….
Wow that’s awesome. I’m blessed