Cameroon Bible Institute

  • Mbidinyingong Junior Tuibam Emmanuel posted an update 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    Greetings to you all

    Chapter 3 of knowing God’s voice
    Title: The will of God
    The word will, simply means the power to choose or of choice
    They’re 3 types of will
    – self will
    -Satans will
    -God’s will
    Will you allow your life to be guided by Self will,you start making choices on the bases of your own will rather than God’s.
    God sovereign will is that will which He is capable of fulfilling without the cooperation of any man
    From this lesson I learned whenever you are working in the will of God you never lacks strengths, because working in His will simply means you are laying down your own abilities and then solely depending on His own abilities
    Thank you

    • Making choices in life based on your own and allowing yourself to be guided by yourself is self will .
      God is capable of fulfilling his will without cooperation of any man. That is his sovereign will. So if we lay down our abilities and solely depend on God, then he will guide us and gives us strength in times of need and trouble and even in joy…