I’ve understood from chapter eleven that it is very important to survey an entire book of the Bible at one sitting so as to interpret the chapters, paragraphs, verses and words of the book in it’s proper context.
I’ve known the three steps of book study method to be Initial survey, book study chart and book outline.
I’ve learned that to initially survey a book, I have to;
-Read the entire Book at one sitting and get the theme
-Detemine the purpose for which the book was written
-Detemine the geographic setting of the book
-Summarize the basic life and ministry principle in one sentence
-View the entire passage without the divisions and
– Read quickly through the entire passage
It is very important to survey an entire book of the Bible at one sitting so as to interpret the chapters, paragraphs, verses and word of the Bible in it proper context.
More grace sis
It is very important to survey an entire book of the Bible at one sitting so as to interpret the chapters, paragraphs, verses and word of the Bible in it proper context.
More grace sis