Cameroon Bible Institute

  • Matoh Dilan Mbih posted an update 11 months, 1 week ago

    Chapter 6 : principle of interpretation.
    I will like to share on the six rules for proper interpretation of the Bible.
    ✓ the rule of divine authority. It means that we accept the Bible as the final authority. That it is inspired by God from Genesis to Revelation.
    ✓ the rule of contextual consideration. Every verse of the Bible should be studied in its context. This means it should be studied in relation to what comes after it, as well as in relation to all the Bible.
    ✓ The rule of literal interpretation. To interprete the Bible literally means to believe it means exactly what it says . The Bible contains various types things like places, people and event. They are literal by themselves and also symbolizes something that will happen in future.
    ✓ the rule of first mention.
    It State that : the first time a word, phrase, object or incident is mentioned in the Bible, it gives the key to its meaning anywhere else it occurs.
    ✓ the rule of repetition.
    The Bible is inspired by God himself. There’s no unessential part in it. Every thing there is necessary. When something is reapeated in the Bible is for special emphasis.
    ✓ the rule of cumulative Revelation.
    The rule of cumulative Revelation is that, the truth of God’s word on any subjects must not be gathered from isolated passage. You cannot base your doctrine , teaching, or belief on few isolated verses about a subject. You must keep studying until your interpretation becomes consistent with the whole of the scripture.