Cameroon Bible Institute

  • Matoh Dilan Mbih posted an update 10 months, 4 weeks ago

    Chapter 15: word study
    Word study is the study of individual word in the Bible. The goal of word study is to understand a word in its context. Every word of God is important. The meaning of individual word affect the meaning of verses.
    Verses explain paragraphs. Paragraphs explain chapters, and chapters provide knowledge of an entire book.
    I have learn from this chapter that the best word to select for study should be a key word. A key word is one that is basic to the meaning of a verse . It is an important word. Sometimes it is word that is repeated for special emphasis or word that is difficult to understand. So care must be taken in selecting a word to study. For example, connective word just add meaning they are not good word to be used for studies.
    I have also learn from this chapter to always study a word within the context of the chapter. If you select a word to study and have not analyze the context in which it appears, we have to always take time to analyze words in the context which it appears.
    Chapters, paragraphs, verses, and word all fits together to provide a complete understanding of God’s word.
    It is important that words are not taken out of thier context because it can be interpreted incorrectly.