Cameroon Bible Institute

  • Matoh Dilan Mbih posted an update 8 months, 1 week ago

    Chapter 10: TRIED AND FAILED.
    The bible contains many examples of great leaders who at some point in their lives failed to listen to the voice of God and miss His will. Yet, these men who failed become great success.
    Abraham, Moses, David, Jonah, peter.
    The bible also contains many examples of men who missed the will of God and their lives ended in failure and defeat:
    Samson he was an important judge in the nation of Israel and he had great physical strength given to him from God. He began to deliver the nation of Israel from the philistines enermy. But through involvement with a heathen woman Samson was taken to captive and died while yet a prisoner of the enemy. We also have King uziah, king Saul, Eli, Judas.
    This lesson gives biblical examples of men who at some point in their lives failed to descern God’s will. Some of these men recovered from failure and went on to be great men of God. Others never reverse their direction. Their lives ended in failure.

    Steps to take when experience failure:
    Repent of your sin.
    Recognize the departure points.
    Return to correct the error.
    Seek for God’s direction. And acts upon it.