Massamangye Oscaline posted an update 5 months ago
Chapter 3 of INTERCESSORY Prayer ( Spiritual Resources for intercession).
The chapter has clrearify my doubt on the difference between Authority and power, where believers receives authority through the new birth experience and the third position in christ Jesus and our authority over our enemy comes through JESUS christ and our position in him as a believer While the power comes through the Holy Spirit and this Power is directed to specific purposes in intercessions like
*Power over the enemy
* Power over Sin
* Power of extending the Gospel.
To bind means to tie and Jesus has taught us the important of binding before casting. The name of Jesus is the authority in which we interceede by calling and believing upon his name ( The name of Jesus) and this name is more powerful than any other name. The blood of Jesus is another spiritual resource which enables us to have access to God the Father. JESUS she’d his blood for sin once and for all which is describe as the new covenant were he now stand as the mediator and the blood declares that I can now enter the most holy place where God dwells and minister through intercession.
Fasting is another spiritual resource which was practice by God and more of his life style and Apostle Paul encourages me today to practice fasting and take as a life style too( 1cor 7:5). There 2 types of this fasting which are total fast( no food or drink) And partial fast ( when the diet is restricted).Fasting does not change God but it changes me and some situations at hand can only be done through fasting and prayer( mark 9:29). Fasting for the wrong reasons or no specific purpose will make the fast ineffective.
To conclude; There is a big difference between a private and a public fasting, were private is more of personal between God and the person fasting and public is more of 2 or more persons and it’s done oponly in the church and other places for fellowship. The results of fasting is that God first reveal his self to me.
Thanks for reading.
The resources that God has given us for effectual intercession are innumerable and powerful.
When we pray in the name of Jesus, it is not so much about calling the name as it is about acknowledging the name and his authority in our lives first, such that when we pray in his name, it is more like we’re praying as He would, establishing his authority because we have received the same by means of our trust in Him.
Powerful reflection from this chapter.
Thanks for the teaching bro. It’s so difficult to interxeed for someone or a place without knowing exactly what they are going through so we need the superior knowledge of the Holy spirit by discernment or even by employing praying in the spirit. For the spirit will teach us how you pray
That’s right!