Cameroon Bible Institute

  • Nying Rose Neeneh posted an update 2 months, 1 week ago

    Chapter 3
    Seeing the World as God sees it.
    The 66books of the bible each contain key verses which unlock the door to understand the theme and contents of q particular book of the bible.
    The bible contains a master key which help in understanding the word of God and this key is -that, Jesus had to suffer for the salvation of sinful mankind.
    -that repentance and the remission of sin must be preached in his name to nations.
    God sees the world as a sinful people who need to be evangelized, he sees them as a divine purpose which needs to be fulfilled.

    • The bible contains a master key which help in understanding the word of God and this key is -that, Jesus had to suffer for the salvation of sinful mankind.
      -that repentance and the remission of sin must be preached in his name to nations.