Cameroon Bible Institute

  • Nying Rose Neeneh posted an update 5 months ago

    CHAPTER 2. The Books of the Bible
    We mentioned yesterday that the Bible has 66 books; 39 in the old Testament and 27 in the New Testament.
    We also said the New testament books were grouped into four groups – Law,History, Poetry and prophecy ; and the New testament was grouped into four groups too- Gospel, History, Letters and prophecy.
    Going through the summary of each book, we discover a coherent progression from the beginning of every creation to the revelation of the end. This activates a deep desire to read further.
    Our course then presents a successful Bible reading project to help us do a steady and effective reading process. The secret to effective ready is just to start! Plan your Bible study so that you will not go through the Bible as if in a novel, follow the plan below:
    – read daily- to ensure continuity in the presence of God and to assure spiritual growth Joshua 1:8
    – read selectively- begin from simple and easy to understand books like John that explains Jesus’s activities in a very simple way. Then you can progressively move to other more complicated books. I Peter 2:2,Heb 5:13-14
    – Also read prayerfully. You are reading a letter from God to you, so have an open spirit be expectant because as you ask questions, he will speak to you through his word. Psalms 119:18.
    – finally read systematically, this means that you create a progression which you follow steadily and carefully.

    – As a beginner , if you start with the book of John for example, you might plan to take a chapter a day chronologically and thick them off on your plan as you finish. Example
    ______2 etc
    You could make a Schedule that you will honestly follow. It be short or long.
    With a short schedule you select portions of the scripture that will give you a basic knowledge of the Bible. Example:
    ___Mark and many more
    ___Genesis 1-10
    ___Exodus etc
    Note: you must read the selected portion chronologically .
    A longer Schedule covers a deep study of the Bible bit not all of the Bible . Meaning that you select more books in your schedule . And finally we have a Complete Schedule which involves the entire Bible. Under the complete schedule, we plan our study for the whole year. So each month of the year has books that you MUST read and each day a particular book or books of the Bible in case you were reading old and new Testament together.

    • Great! The Bible, being such rich, divine revelation, requires diligence, consistency, and planning. If we must get the best out of our moments with the Bible, we must incorporate daily reading with frequent, intentional, focused study of key texts, themes, characters, etc. in order to build proper Biblical theology both for ourselves and for those that come under the influence of our ministries. Add these to prayer, consistent, daily encounters with the Holy Spirit, and you’re on good footing.


    • What I have learned from your sharing is that I have to be deligent as I am studying my Bible and it must be planned because I don’t have to read it like a novel … I have to be reading it daily to ensure continuity in the presence of God and Spiritual growth. Thank you for sharing