Cameroon Bible Institute

  • Nying Rose Neeneh posted an update 5 months ago

    Chapter 3: Versions of the Bible.

    The bible was written in three languages Greek, Aramaic and Hebrew. The Old Testament was written in Greek except for two books- Daniel and Nehimiah that were written in Aramaic. The entire New Testament was written in Hebrew.
    Today we can’t find the original manuscripts of the Bible but we can find versions.
    A version is is a Bible written in a language different from the original.We have two versions- Translated version which is ,an effort to express what those original writers said in the languages they used.
    Translstions give a word by word interpretation of the Bible.
    The second version is the paraphrased one which gives a thought by thought writing, to say what a particular passage mearnt. It’s easier to read because it’s written in modern vocabulary and grammar accessible to all.
    Before you begin your Bible study, you need to choose a good version for effective understanding and the closest to the original is King James version
    This version of the Bible is accurate for study, has many working tools like concordances,dictionaries and commentaries that greatly help in your study.
    The English in this version might be difficult for people with limited vocabulary, in that case they could choose other translation with simpler vocabulary (e.g Good News)
    It’s important to note that the entire Bible is written in about 1000 vocabularies.
    Some versions of the Bible will have RED LETTERS- these are used to write Jesus’s exact words, so we can master what the master said, in its actual sense.
    Here’s a summary of this chapter
    The Bible( inspired word of God)
    Revealled to Holy men who wrote God’s word in Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic
    Interpreted in various languages resulting in
    Exact translations and paraphrased versions of the Bible.
    May God bless us

    • Amen!

      Is it not amazing how God keeps graciously preserving the Holy Scriptures through generations? As we get deeper into Biblical studies, we realize that parchments of very ancient copies and translations in languages other than the English language, especially those in the original languages, have been preserved for us for thousands of years. From these scrolls and parchments, most of our translations have seen the light of day.

      While the King James version may sound closest to the original, there are more recent translations than the King James that are even closer to the original considering the extensive work done on the ancient scrolls to develop such translations.

      Summarily, the Bible is God’s project, we must graciously receive as God gives us and faithfully teach the revealed truth therein, which all point us to Jesus the Savior!

    • Wow thank you for sharing am so happy learning from you