Cameroon Bible Institute

  • Nying Rose Neeneh posted an update 4 months, 1 week ago

    Chapter 7: Interceding For Revival
    It’s a an awakening ,revitalizing,restoring of God’s people ,a strengthening of those things which remain.
    Before you embark on revival, like a farmer you must prepare by sowing in prayers, to reap a bountiful harvest at the end.
    We identify a need for revival when we observe a backsliding attitude of Christians- prayerlessness , carnality increasing etc.
    Revival has biblical principles:
    – most revival starts with moments of spiritual decline , the one person gets a burden for change and takes a move to preach a powerful revival message which convicts the listener till she/ he repents then comes back to God.
    Note that there are obstacles to revival which are:
    – Leadership , congregational, Général, hindrances .
    But God has a revival plan revealed in 2 Chron 7:14
    – Humble ourselves, Pray, Seek God’s face and turn from our evil ways.
    When this is done ,God will arise in his mercy hear, forgive and heal our land.