Cameroon Bible Institute

  • Nying Rose Neeneh posted an update 4 months ago

    Course 4: Spiritual Strategies.
    Chapter 1. The invisible war:

    Life is made of many battles, and most of them are invisible, controlling the physical activities around man.We fail in this battles because we don’t understand the natural – ( the world we see, feel, touch, hear or test which is the visible world )and spiritual world which is invisible to the human eyes, yet so control the activities around uim.
    You need to have spiritual discernment to understand the activities of these two worlds.
    Note that there are two kingdoms- the kingdom of God and the natural kingdom .
    with each having its principalities and ruler.
    The invible war between these two kingdoms- is multidimensional between flesh and the spirit, between the believers and the evil piers, between believers and the world.
    Even though Jesus has freed believers from the bondage of the enemy, these wars persist.
    It attacks the worship of God on earth, it attacks man’s walk and work with God.
    An ancient battle that started when Lucifer was thrown out of heaven, was generated to the whole world through Adanm and eve’s fall. Satan was defeated by Jesus yet the descendance of Adam and Eve has kept man in bondage and opened to wars.
    So the war is concentrated in the mind, heart, soul and spurts of humans on earth.
    Satan’s effective strategy is to keep believers ignorant of his invasion into their lives and ministries.