Nying Rose Neeneh posted an update 4 months ago
Chapter 3: The commander in Chief – The Lord of Host.
This means the trinity- God the Father, Jesus Christ the son and the Holy Spirit
The Trinity is eternal, it’s a spirit, it souverign, omnipresent, omniscient, unchanging, Holy ,Just and faithful.
God the Father I’d the commander of the spiritual forces of good which oppose the spiritual forces of evil.. He’s everywhere in the universe but his throne is in heaven
He has many names like: – Jehovah, Elohin, Father, Adonai,Elietc.
God the son- Jesus Christ has both a divine and human nature, haven lived on earth as a human being never abandoning his spiritual nature .
His functions is to redeem man from sin, has authority over forces if darkness, destroying the works of the devil, intercession for Believers etc.
Jesus Christ has many names like the advocate, Almighty, alpha and Omega, amen etc.
God the holy spirit is the third personality in this triune government though it has an individual personality.
He has a mind, dear he’s the heart of man, has a will, speaks, loves, interceeds.
The baptism of the holy ghost is a spiritual experience involves signs of speaking in tongues and evidence of power to become an effective witness of the gospel.
It’s accompanied by gifts of the Holt spirit:
-five gifts to explain God’s truth
– service gifts to enable God’s work,
– sign gifts to establish God’s authority.
It’s accompanied by the fruits of the Holy spirit which are for power,’and character of the Believer. It’s a sign of maturity.
There are two types:
– Spirit of reproduction
– an inner fruit of Christlike character.
The Holt spirit is invisible but is active in convicting men of sin, drawing men to Christ, equipibg believers with power for spiritual warfare, guiding them and testifying of Christ.
The Holy Spirit is very sensitive that’s why we should not lie, resist, blasphème, insult, quench, grie e, or vex him.
He is also called, the spirit of God, Eternal spirit, the spirit of grace, truth,life, glory, wisdom, revelation etc.
He has some emblems like:
– the dove, the wind, oil, fire,water and the seal.