Module : Organizing
Course Management by Objectives
Chapter 1:An introduction to management by Objectives.
Management is the process of accomplishing plans through human material and spiritual resources.
Management by Objectives is a procedure for planning and implementing ministry in an orderly,effective manner.
From the origin, God made plans and communicated them to men and women who carefully recorded and obeyed them.
Management is another word for stewardship. Stewards or managers are responsible over something entrusted to them by someone else. As a believer, you are a steward of spiritual resources that God has given which includes: the gospel, finances, material,spiritual gifts and other believers.snagement by objectives under the supervision of the Holy spirit include- formulating a purpose for ministry in harmony with that of God, making plans to achieve purpose,organizing people and procedures to implement the plan, perfecting the plan through evaluation.
Good management provides purpose and direction, permits you to make proper decisions, Establishes priorities for ministry,npermits you to act rather than react,
Permits evaluation,
Prepares you to enter open doors, brings your will in harmony with God’s will.
You will surely face opposition as you manage by objectives from people who:
Lack knowledge, lack purpose, belief that iris not scriptural, belief that it hinders the Holy spirit, tradition, fear of the future, slothfulness and fesr of failure.