Management by Obj: chapter 4
A leader must prepare to succeed in ministry by planing or . setting objectives An objective is an aim or action, a goal, to be reached. It is a plan and they must be réalisable.
Obj are steps you take to fulfill the purpose that God has given you. You must take action to make sure your visions and purposes are accomplished.
Purpose is inspires you buymt objective pushes you forward.
In summary: objective- Specific purpose – God’s great purpose- reading the word.
There are two types of objectives- personal + group objective. O jectives are statements of faith, made in harmony with God.
Objectives permit you to a compkish God’s specific purpose for your ministry. They provide direction , evaluatio. Of ministry.
To set objectives, pray and listen to the Holy Ghost, read the word of God and understand your specific purpose.plannibg should result from prayer and Bible study.
To set objectives, write them down, relate them to purpose, clearly state them, let them be balanced, definite,measurable, organized by priority, long term and short term.your plans must be flexible and opened to change since they’re directed by the Holy ghost .
A leader must prepare to succeed in ministry by planing or . setting objectives An objective is an aim or action, a goal, to be reached. It is a plan and they must be réalistic.
A leader must prepare to succeed in ministry by planing or . setting objectives An objective is an aim or action, a goal, to be reached. It is a plan and they must be réalistic.

Learning many new things
Very true bro