Chapter 5
Am introduction to church growth
The word Church actually means ” the called.” Wgen we speak of the church, we are talking about the workd- wide fellowship of all believers who have been called out of the world into the kingdom of God.
You become part of the church be becoming born again into the kingdom of God.
The a church originated from the failure of the Israelites to stand in the privileged position that agod gave them. God through Jesus Christ introduced discipleship and gathering of souls to form a church.
The church is described as the new man, the bride of Christ, the body of Christ and the temple of God ; for the purpose of worshiping God, service within the body, fellowship, mission. If the church succeeds in his purpose, there will be four kinds of growth- internal , expansion, external and bridge growth.
Church growth is assured by the Holy spirit who’s actually builder. He inspires worship, directs missionary activities, selects ministers, anoints preachers, guides décisions, baptizes the church with power.