Cameroon Bible Institute

  • Nying Rose Neeneh posted an update 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    Management by Obj
    Chapter 6: Perfecting : Evaluating the plan
    When you evaluate something, you examine it carefully and consider it’s value.its the process of examine plans to determine their value in achieving the purpose of your ministry.
    It’s important because it makes you to accountable to agod, to those with whom and to whom you minister and your own self.
    It has a procedure:
    – write it down, establish dates to check on the progress of the plan, pray before you begin evaluation, evaluate to see if the plan is proceeding on schedule and evaluate yourself.
    Plans fail because God uses imperfect instruments( people) which don’t work in harmony with him.
    You use the result of your evaluation to point out weaknesses in objectives, you make new plans and you learn from your mistakes.plsnning is a continuous cycle