Cameroon Bible Institute

  • Fukmuh Shadrack posted an update 10 months, 3 weeks ago

    Sharing with you from Chapter 12, I said for us to know if we are going to the next paragraph, the subject matter have to change. Let us understand what paragraph Bible study method is all about as we look at Chapter 13 title paragraph study.
    Under paragraph study, I learned how to use connectives, these are words that reveals relationships within and between paragraphs. For example whenever ” but ” is used in scriptures I learned it connects and it sometimes contrast this means that but makes the reader to go back and read the previous verse or chapter.
    And whenever we see ” If ” in scriptures it introduces a consumer statement second Chronicles chapter 7 verse 14 whenever you see God’s promises and prophecies of the Old testament you see them presenting with the world “If ” which is conditional. Connectives like “In, Into and With” also are important because the indicate relationship between concepts in the scriptures,
    For, is it connective which is introduced to bring reasons and results of a particular happening

    In the session of grammatical words like; verbs which tell us of an action that someone did in the past or someone is doing in the present or will be doing in the future verbs are also used to please command that is show authority.
    In this chapter one thing I learned which is so touching is that in as much as English is used in education it should also be very important in our Bible study Life because there are words we use intending for a different meaning but with ignorance of what English is we transfer a message which is wrong to our audience. It has also been challenging in this chapter because knowing that words like verbs ,pronouns, objectives, adverbs ,nouns, could be used to interpret scriptures rightly. Thanks for your time

    • Connectives are very important in our Bible study language . .. being able to know what they stand for will help us to gain allote of understanding … I love this sharing bro