Cameroon Bible Institute

  • Fukmuh Shadrack posted an update 6 months, 1 week ago

    One of the greatest challenge the body of Christ face is the challenges to knowing God’s will. Chapter 3 of this book seek to helping us understand the way to knowing God’s will.
    So,Chapter 3 title:The will of God.
    I will like to share with us on something
    The testament was originally written in the Greek language. And In Greek, there are two terms used for the word””” Will “” in reference to the will of God.
    Boulemar which refers to God’s sovereign will. This is his predetermine plan for everything that happens in the universe. It is fulfilled regardless of decision made by man. It is his master plan for the world.
    Boulemar will of God does not requires the cooperation of man. In the boulemar will of God, the outcome is predetermined. It is written in his word and is quite clear. There’s no need to seek this will of God because it is revealed in the Bible.
    Thelema refers to God’s desire for man to experience and live in his will. It refers to his individual plan or will for each man and woman.
    Moral will of God. Commandments in the written word of God teaches us believers how to live.. If we must please God every day of our lives, we have to seek his will for everything and in every day of our lives as well. God bless you