Fukmuh Shadrack posted an update 6 months, 1 week ago
In every thing, they is a pattern site by God. Everything has its principle. So it apply in same way with God. Chapter 5 is focus at helping us know the pattern for God’s will that is, what God’s will really is, how can God’s will be made effective and what to do in other to be in God’s will.
Chapter 5title : The Pattern Of God’s will.
Our lesson try to answer the question , what is meant by the good, acceptable , and the perfect will of God? …..
The perfect will of God is accomplished when a believer is in harmony with the moral, sovereign and the individual will of God for his life. The believer has accepted the sovereign plan of God for his salvation through the new birth experience. He is with moral commandments of God’s written word. He also has determined God’s guidance for his individual life plan.
The good will of God.
In the good will of God, the believer is not in the perfect plan for his life but he is within God’s sovereign will and moral will. He is not disobedient to God’s revealed will, and he is still seeking to find that perfect individual plan for his life.
The acceptable will of God.
The believer is missing the perfect will of God for his life but is still in an acceptable area. He is living in the permissive will of God. He may not be concern about God’s perfect will for his life. God permitting him to live in this area , although it is not God’s perfect will for him.
Outside will of God. The believer in this realm is in direct disobedience to God’s revealed will.
This lesson is quite clear and understanding. But from my knowledge of the scripture, I know that God has only one will which is his perfect will. It is good and acceptable.
This lesson uses a perfect example of Balaam in Numbers 22. Some men of Moab ask from a prophet of God named Balaam to go with them and prophesy against God’s people, Israel. God spoke to Balaam and told him not to go. And it was the perfect will of God to Balaam. And Balaam disobeyed God’s voice and went with the men . God desired so much that Balaam to know His will that he used a donkey to speak to him and convict him of his sin . God did all this to bring Balaam to his perfect will in his life. so God’s will is only one that is the PERFECT WILL.
God has only one will which is perfect, good and acceptable. God has set a pattern for everything and this pattern is there to help us identify his perfect will in our lives….