You will need to log in and sign up to the Third Mill Institute in order to receive a course completion certificate which is one of our course requirements. You can login by clicking here Third Mill Institute.
Course Description:
This course comes in two parts. First, we’ll discover how the doctrine of the Holy Spirit developed historically, and we’ll explore the Spirit’s dynamic work in the world, in the church, and in believers. Practically speaking, the Holy Spirit is the person of the Trinity who is most involved in our daily lives, but many Christians know far more about the Father and the Son than they do about the Spirit. Second, it explains the meaning of biblical theology, examines the way it is developed, defends its legitimacy, and gives examples from both the Old and New Testaments of its use. Faithful Christians have always recognized the importance of progress in biblical history, especially as it relates to humanity’s fall into sin and to God’s redemptive work. As a specialized discipline, biblical theology studies this progress by tracing the development of theological ideas between historical epochs. Used rightly, it is a helpful tool for interpreting and applying the Bible. This course is based on two Thirdmill video series, We Believe in the Holy Spirit, as well as Building Biblical Theology produced by Third Millennium Ministries and presented by Dr. Ramesh Richard and Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr. with contributions from a variety of professors.
In this course, we would like to accomplish the following:
- We hope you will have a better understanding of the Holy Spirit’s role within the Trinity, develop a greater love for the work of the Holy Spirit in redemptive history, and more intentionally rely on the Holy Spirit for all areas of life and ministry.
- We hope you will make use of all the instructional elements of the course to understand the meaning of biblical theology and how it is studied, to consider examples of how it can be beneficial, and to grasp the overall patterns and themes of Scripture, especially the theme of the kingdom of God.
- We hope you make changes in your life as a response to the teachings of this course, especially has it relates to the way you study the Bible and how you relate to the Holy Spirit.
When you have done the following, it will show that the goals are met:
- Obtain satisfactory grades on the quizzes and test, demonstrating that you can
- a) identify key information about the Holy Spirit’s relationship with the other members of the Trinity
- b) communicate the various biblical ideas concerning the proper use of spiritual gifts
- c) identify the meaning and importance of Biblical Theology, distinguishing it from Systematic Theology
- d) analyze some examples of how Biblical Theology can help us understand passages from the Old Testament and New Testament.
- Complete the study guides and other assignments of the course, expressing your thoughts and attitudes regarding topics of pneumatology and biblical theology, and show how you have applied the teachings of the course to your own life.
- Participate in weekly discussions that both review and reflect up on the teachings of the Thirdmill videos, in order to more fully understand the concepts and apply them to your life and ministry.
Thematic Outline of the Course
- In the Trinity
- In the World
- In the Church
- In the Individual
- What is Biblical Theology?
- Synchronic Synthesis of the Old Testament
- Diachronic Developments in the Old Testament
- Contours of New Testament Biblical Theology
The Multimedia Lessons
- Study the lessons, watching the video, listening to the audio, or reading the text.
- Complete the Study Guide for each lesson. These study guides will prepare you for the online quizzes and help you apply the teachings of the lesson to your own life.
- Take the online quizzes for each lesson. The quizzes may be taken as many times as you want, but you must wait one hour between each attempt. Your highest grade will be the official grade. We suggest achieving at least an 80% before participating in the weekly discussion to ensure you understand the concepts correctly.
- Participate in the weekly discussions with your group and Trainer, utilizing that sessions Discussion Guide. These discussions are vital to your full understanding of the course material and your ability to correctly apply the concepts to your life and ministry. We recommend the discussion on the video lessons last at least one hour.
- Take the Pneumatology – Final Exam. You may take the test again as many times as you want for review, but you must wait one hour between each attempt. The official grade will be your highest grade and we recommend achieving at least an 80% before moving on to the next course.
Course Requirements:
1. You must complete each lesson in the course. After you complete the requirements for a lesson/session, go to the Activity Feed and post a comment about something that interested or impacted you as you worked through the lesson. Your comment needs to be well thought out and at least 75 words. These posts will be counted as part of the writing requirement for the course so please write well thought out comments on what you are learning in the lesson. Please start your comment by referring to the course name and session or lesson number of the course. You also need to post comments on two other students recent comments on courses they are currently taking.
2. After completing all of the lessons in the course, you will need to write a 750 word paper on three things that have impacted you during the course and submit it using the Completed Coursework Upload form. At the Bachelor’s Degree Level, your paper must be well-written.
Click here if you need information on How to Write a Paper. Your forum posts can be helpful in writing your paper.
3. Once you complete a course with a satisfactory grade at Third MIll Institute (IIIM), you can print out a certificate for yourself and then you need to email us a copy so we can record it as a completed course in your school record.
Third Mill Institute Course Link: