Welcome to the Course “World Religions”. We hope and pray you will have a wonderful experience studying with us and complete this course successfully!
There are sound theological reasons for committing ourselves to understand other cultures and appreciate them. To learn of them and from them with an open mind is to discover how God reveals something of himself through their distinct world and life view.This course is designed to help you see that cross-cultural relationships take place in the realities of everyday life. It will give you some insights and principles to prepare for cross-cultural ministry at home or abroad.
Course Description
This invaluable course from an expert in comparative religious studies surveys the world religions and ideologies from the viewpoint of a Christian experienced in interfaith dialogue. It will expand your global knowledge about various worldviews and will help you better grasp how religion functions in the global village.
Course Objectives
This course will help students:
- to explore and analyze world religions and worldviews, including African traditional religion, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism;
- to assess the strengths and weaknesses of different religious systems and ideologies;
- to understand the current issues in the pluralistic world;
- to appreciate cultural diversity and empathize with people from other cultures;
- to participate in debates concerning the role of religions in modern societies;
- to focus on the mission of a Christian church.
Course Requirements:
1. You must complete each lesson in the course. After you complete the requirements for a lesson/session, go to the Activity Feed and post a comment about something that interested or impacted you as you worked through the lesson. Your comment needs to be well thought out and at least 75 words. These posts will be counted as part of the writing requirement for the course so please write well thought out comments on what you are learning in the lesson. Please start your comment by referring to the course name and session or lesson number of the course. You also need to post comments on two other students recent comments on courses they are currently taking.
2. After completing all of the lessons in the course, you will need to write a 750 word paper on three things that have impacted you during the course and submit it using the Completed Coursework Upload form. At the Bachelor’s Degree Level, your paper must be well-written.
Click here if you need information on How to Write a Paper. Your forum posts can be helpful in writing your paper.
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